Our 2025 course schedule is listed below. Click on a date to view a course overview. If you would like to find out more about any of our Course Tutors, please visit our Course Tutors page. For further practical course details and prices, please visit our Art Courses Overview page.
Course Schedule 2025
Mixed Media Workshop - covering a broad range of media and subject matter with emphasis on exciting texture effects information gathering process, colour composition and guides to mixed-media approaches and techniques.
This course starts with lunch at 12.30 on the first day and ends after breakfast on the last.
This course is based on gathering resources through drawing, colour observation and photographs on site, followed by the building up of finished paintings in the studio. Lynda's teaching emphasizes the importance of a sound understanding of the use of tone, scale, composition and colour to create exciting and dynamic work. This offers the best opportunity to portray the beautiful local environment of Dedham in whatever the weather and in either watercolour or Acrylics
This course starts with lunch at 12.30 on the first day and ends after breakfast on the last.
Chris’s friendly and informative tuition will take you from monochrome and watercolour sketches and photos done on location to finishes mixed media and acrylic paintings in the studio. Guidance will be given on maximizing the sketching and information gathering process, colour composition and guides to mixed-media approaches and techniques. Beautiful local environment of Dedham whatever the weather and in either watercolour or Acrylics.
This course starts with lunch at 12.30 on the first day and ends after breakfast on the last.
This medium will allow course members to produce both colourful and spectacular pictures of both coast and countryside. There will be an initial introduction from Steve where he will introduce his chosen materials, followed by a demonstration. This will include design and mark making and how to put these concepts together to produce dynamic work. Each following day will begin with a demonstration from which course members will produce their own rendering of the same subject. The remainder of the day will be free to paint from supplied photographic reference, assisted by Steve as and when necessary. Course members should be able to complete two finishes pictures each day of a size and subject to suit them personally.
This course starts with lunch a 12.30 on the first day and finishes after breakfast on the last.
Painting in oils - working in the studio from Portrait, the Figure and Still Life. Roger will show you how to work from tonal planes of the face and human form, seeing shapes as shapes rather than just documenting features. By this method you will be able to get a likeness quickly, directly and with a painterly effect. Most sessions will have two models.
# (see booking form)
John Hoar, born 1947, is one of Britain's best known watercolourists through his instructional DVD's made by Town House Films. In 2016 he represented Britain's artists at the 2nd Qingdao International Watercolour salon in China. At Dedham Hall he will be demonstrating both on location and in the studio how to make free and simple watercolours and also the, (very popular), use of pen-and-ink and wash.
Drawn to Botany
'Watercolour Landscape; Plein Air and Studio'
On this course our time will be divided equally between the studio and painting in the field, allowing for development of watercolour technique and an immersive in visual observation and experience of the landscape.
Jem's courses are aimed mostly at the 'serious improver', and are less suitable for absolute beginners in the medium.
We'll see that painting is all about relationships. Within the frame of an ecosystem, where everything effects everything else. Treating all our painting as 'just practice' and being willing to take chances are key to making progress. and 'enjoying the process' is easier when there's a spirit of adventure in each brush mark.
We'll consider all aspects of making successful watercolours. This includes prioritisation, compromise, and analysing results with the smiling equanimity of the Buddah!
Learning will be through watching demonstrations (and presentations),, trying out new approaches and reflective discussion of our difficulties and successes.
Reference material will be provided for the studio based sessions. Subjects both studio and plein air will include skies, trees, buildings water and other aspects found in 'landscape' generally.
Please note:
Some experience of watercolour is assumed, as is a desire to venture forth into the great outdoors in a variety of weather. Please come prepared.
Plein air locations include the need for good mobility, with some potentially rough and damp terrain. We'll need to carry all our own gear, and car-share at times.
Please refer to the suggested Materials List on Jem's website and don't hesitate to contact him before booking if in any doubt that the course is suitable for you.
Developing outdoor sketches and photos into impressionistic and colourful paintings, using acrylics and/or water based oils. We will be using palette knives as well as brushes to add texture and dynamic effects to your paintings.
This weeks course will help you to loosen up your style and become more confident with colour choices. My focus is on individual development and confidence building at your own pace and is for all levels.
This 4 night course starts with lunch at 12.30 on the first day and ends after breakfast on the last
This medium will allow course members to produce both colourful and spectacular pictures of both coast and countryside. There will be an initial introduction from Steve where he will introduce his chosen materials, followed by a demonstration. This will include design and mark making and how to put these concepts together to produce dynamic work. Each following day will begin with a demonstration from which course members will produce their own rendering of the same subject. The remainder of the day will be free to paint from supplied photographic reference, assisted by Steve as and when necessary. Course members should be able to complete two finishes pictures each day of a size and subject to suit them personally.
The course is based on the gathering of resources through drawing, colour observation and photographs on site, followed by the building up of finishes paintings in the studio. Lynda'a teaching emphasizes the importance of a sound understanding of the use of tone, scale composition and colour to create exciting and dynamic work. This offers the best opportunity to portray the beautiful local environment of Dedham whatever the weather and in either watercolour or acrylics.d it alongside demonstrations and group critique sessions when appropriate.
This week is available to anyone who would like to come and paint without a tutor. You may come for s many or few days as you wish as there will be an inclusive daily half board rate.
Mixed Media Workshop covering a broad range of media and subject matter with emphasis on exciting texture effect.
Painting Plein Air in the capturing scene in under 2 1/2 hours and producing a painterly and impressionistic painting. Advice will be given on how to select the scene, looking for composition and how to provide the essence of the subject. Also advice will be given on equipment, colour mixing, paint application and use of palette knife, how to use a pochard box for quick colour sketches and how to travel with a minimum of equipment. Painting will be outside in oils but bring photographic references in case of bad weather,
Watercolour - Loosen up Without Losing Control
Join me to grow and develop your skills. Working within the studio and around the established grounds we will strive to capture the essence of this secluded enclave.
Mood, light and atmosphere are the building blocks of successful work from the small quick 15 minute exercises through to the larger challenge which will stretch and develop your skills.
Looking for collective shape creates narrative and engages with the viewer. Less is more simplicity is the key.
Landscape and Marine Painting
Taking our inspiration from the landscape of “Constable Country” and the local coast, Chris’s friendly and informative tuition will take you from monochrome and watercolour sketches and photos done on location to finishes mixed media and acrylic paintings in the studio. Guidance will be given on maximizing the sketching and information gathering process, colour composition and guides to mixed-media approaches and techniques.
John Hoar, born 1947, is one of Britain's best known watercolourists through his instructional DVD's made by Town House Films. In 2016 he represented Britain's artists at the 2nd Qingdao International Watercolour salon in China. At Dedham Hall he will be demonstrating both on location and in the studio how to make free and simple watercolours and also the, (very popular), use of pen-and-ink and wash.
During the course, Ian will guide you through the entire process of producing better watercolour paintings. He will show you how to improve the initial drawing of your scene, demonstrate the importance of composition and design, perspective, and how to use colour and tone to give your paintings narrative, atmosphere and impact. Students will be painting en plein air weather permitting, and also working in the studio. Subjects will range from local scenes to anything of interest using photographic references. Working with Ian will provide you with the foundations you need to continue improving your paintings at your own pace.
Imaginative Oil Painting Techniques
This course is for anyone who has tried watercolour and been disappointed with their painting. Teaching will be by watching demonstrations, but you will also receive individual guidance according to your experience. The emphasis will be on painting fresh, lively watercolours in a simple, straightforward way - tricks and shortcut gimmicks are not a feature of this course. The aim is to capture the essence of the scene and preserve the elusive properties of watercolour which many of us find attractive.
This course offers the opportunity to get your watercolour painting underway along the coast and in the countryside of East Anglia. Steve will start with an introductory talk on how to plan your work and produce pictures that are both dynamic and exciting. Weather permitting, the group will visit locations around Dedham Hall to paint both coast and countryside. Typical of these will be Pin Mill, Stoke by Nayland, Lavenham, Woodbridge and other locations within easy driving distance of Dedham Hall. If the weather is not good, painting will be in the studio from supplied photographic reference or from pictures that course members have brought with them. Each morning there will be a demonstration and then, under careful guidance, course members will complete two pictures during the remainder of the day.
The aim of this course is to encourage confidence in watercolour through understanding the techniques that apply to this wonderful and exciting medium. We will work in the studio and also surrounding areas according to the weather and there will be demonstrations in the evenings. The course will be fairly intense with many lighthearted moments!
Flowers and Landscape in Mixed media.
This course starts with lunch at 12.30 on Tuesday 26th and ends after breakfast on the 29th.
This week is available to anyone who would like to come and paint without a tutor. You may come for s many or few days as you wish as there will be an inclusive daily half board rate.
Drawn to Botany
Graham Webber ROI on this oil painting course will be focusing on creating paintings with a sense of atmosphere using the local landscape as inspiration. Weather permitting, we will be working outside capturing the essence of the landscape and gathering information and ideas in sketchbooks and in oil. As well as being paintings in their own right, the work we have done will be used to develop into a larger final painting back at the studio. During the course we will use a variety of subjects to discover how composition, tone, colour mixing, perspective and artistic license all come together to create captivating and dynamic paintings.
Success with Oils - An opportunity to hone your skills, build confidence in handling oil colour and create successful paintings you can be proud of. painting with opaque and translucent colours combined with cold wax medium (supplies by the tutor) for textual effects to create depth and richness in your paintings. The course has been structured to include some technical sessions in the studio, demonstrations and time to sit and paint within the grounds as well as on location around the picturesque Dedham Vale. Melanie will be on hand to offer one to one support whenever you need it, alongside demonstrations and group critique sessions when appropriate.
There seems to be a never-ending quest to loosen up in watercolor. I hear from my students all the time. It's easy to fall into the trap of putting too much into your paintings and editing out the non-essential whether working from photo reference or painting on location is so important.
Painting loosely doesn't just 'happen', it comes from gaining a comfort level with your skills and materials over time. However there are techniques that can speed up this process.
My workshop will focus on using value studies from the outset to identify the large shapes in a scene. These large shapes provide the artist with opportunities for lost edges when painting in watercolor, which is essential if we are to take full advantage of the medium. Too often the 'found edges', or details take over the painter's thinking process and the result is a tight watercolour.
We will move on toward color paintings with a lot of individual help and complete a color painting lesson together. Demonstration paintings will be done by Andy every day to reinforce the day's lessons.
In order to loosen up it is imperative to have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish with your painting and then execute it quickly. This class will give you the tools and confidence to do just that.
There will be four full days of painting from Monday to Thursday inclusive.
This course is for anyone who has tried watercolour and been disappointed with their painting. Teaching will be by watching demonstrations, but you will also receive individual guidance according to your experience. The emphasis will be on painting fresh, lively watercolours in a simple, straightforward way – tricks and shortcut gimmicks are not a feature of this course. The aim is to capture the essence of the scene and preserve the elusive properties of watercolour which many of us find attractive.
Amanda is an "alla prima" artist, painting "at the first go". She is instinctive and aims to create an expressive effect directly, immediately and spontaneously, to "achieve the final look in one session". This requires skillful manipulation of the brushes and the medium, working quickly and with 30 years of experience is a master of alla prima watercolour. She strives to create a sense of light and energy in her work which attracts the viewer via their immediate reaction to the play of tones, contrast of darks and lights, and her omission of unnecessary detail... making transmitting this knowledge to students via her many teaching workshops. A combination of sensuality and intellect characterise this artist.
Acrylic Course - Steve is delighted to offer this exciting studio-based course once again at Dedham Hall. This vibrant medium will allow course members to produce both colourful and spectacular pictures of both coast and countryside. There will be an initial introduction from Steve where he will introduce his chosen materials, followed by a demonstration. This demonstration will include design and mark making and how to put these concepts together to produce dynamic work. Each following day will begin with a demonstration from which course members will produce their own rendering of the same subject. The remainder of the day will be free to paint from supplied photographic reference, assisted by Steve as and when necessary. Course members should be able to complete at least two finished pictures each day of a size and subject to suit them personally.
This short course starts with lunch at 12.30 on the first day and ends after breakfast on the last.
Richard will start with an introductory talk on his approach to watercolour painting followed by a demonstration of his style and an introduction of his chosen materials. This demonstration will also include design and mark making and how to put these concepts together to produce dynamic work.. Each following day will begin with a demonstration by Richard from which course members will produce their own rendering of the same subject. The remainder of the day will be free to paint from Supplied photographic reference assisted by Richard as and when necessary. Course members should be able to complete at least two finished pictures each day of a size and subject to suit then personally.
This short course starts with lunch at 12.30 on the first day and ends after breakfast on the last.
Portraiture - Carole is a popular and experienced tutor who will help to demystify the process of portrait painting. We will start with a "warm up" day to improve observation and drawing skills, studying proportions, structure, the features, getting a likeness and skin tones. On subsequent days we will work from models, starting with several short poses before going on to paint or draw a longer pose/s in watercolour, pastel or acrylics - your choice. At the end of each day there will be an appraisal to evaluate the day's work. The course is aimed at all abilities.
Studio works in Oil working from photos and developing up pictures from smaller studies with a possibility of working from still life of portrait. Covering all oil techniques.
Learn to paint bold loose animals with the Artist magazine's Jake Winkle. Via paint and follow demonstrations Jake will guide you through some of his techniques and visions to capture the spirit and energy of his subject. All reference photos will be supplied by the tutor and don't worry about yor drawing ability as tracing options are provided.
A chance to explore the quality and excitement that can be achieved through water based medium. We will be experimenting with a variety of painting techniques, combined with dynamic - composition. Subjects in still life and interior scenes will be used to study this theme. This studio based course is suitable for all levels of painting skills.